The Trustee has an important note for members who have chosen the Freechoice, Flexicycle or Lifecycle 2 investment strategy and who have investments in the Property Fund.

The Property Fund is temporarily closed. This means that at present you cannot:
• pay contributions into this fund
• switch out or sell any part of your defined contribution (DC) pension pot that is invested in this fund

The fund has been temporarily closed because, as a result of reduced activity in the property market due to Covid-19, two of the underlying property fund managers do not believe valuations of the property portfolio are currently reliable enough to ensure members can gain a fair price and to protect them from material mispricing.

More information on the DC investment strategies can be found in the DC investment guide located on the member guides tab on the information centre located on the Schemes futurefocus website

To assist with any queries you may have an FAQ document has been prepared. You may find this on the 'other information' tab located here.

This situation is being monitored by the Trustees. Updates for members about the property fund will be made available on the Trustee’s website, futurefocus and My Pension. If you are on the HSBC network you will not need a username and password to access My Pension.