Retirement Pension Webcasts
Education caveat
- All copyright or other intellectual property rights in the material constituting this presentation which has been provided by Wealth at Work Limited remains the property of the Wealth at Work group.
- The content of this presentation is provided for illustrative purposes only and is not intended to be used for individual investment or financial planning and does not constitute financial advice.
- Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information contained in the presentation it cannot be guaranteed. In particular the rules relating to tax can frequently change and whilst the presentation provides an overview of your benefits in the HSBC Scheme, your actual entitlement to benefits is governed by the HSBC Scheme's trust deed and rules and other governing documentation, as amended from time to time.
- Any references to tax or the operation of tax or tax reliefs are illustrative only and the tax treatment in respect of any individual depends upon the circumstances of each individual.
- It is important to recognise that the value of investments related to the stock market (and any resulting benefits such as interest or dividends), can rise or fall and an investor may not get back the amount invested. Past performance data used is for illustrative purposes only and is not necessarily a guide to future performance.
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Video 1 – Helping you to get your retirement plans off to a healthy start (Hybrid members)
(Active Hybrid & Deferred Hybrid member England, Wales & Scotland)
Welcome to your HSBC Bank (UK) Pension Scheme webcasts?
(Active DC & Deferred DC member England, Wales & Scotland)
Understand your income needs in retirement
(Active DC & Deferred DC member England, Wales & Scotland)
Video 2 - Income needs in retirement (Hybrid members)
(Active Hybrid & Deferred Hybrid member England, Wales & Scotland)
Video 3 - State pension and workplace retirement savings (Hybrid members)
(Active Hybrid & Deferred Hybrid member England, Wales & Scotland)
Video 4 (part 1)– Generating a retirement income (Hybrid members)
(Active Hybrid & Deferred Hybrid member England, Wales & Scotland)
Where will your income come from in retirement?
(Active DC & Deferred DC member England, Wales & Scotland)
Video 4 (part 2) – Generating a retirement income (Hybrid members)
(Active Hybrid & Deferred Hybrid member England, Wales & Scotland)
The State Pension explained
(Active DC & Deferred DC member England, Wales & Scotland)
What is your workplace pension?
(Active DC & Deferred DC member England, Wales & Scotland)
Your HSBC Scheme explained and what is your HSBC DC pension pot
(Active DC & Deferred DC member England, Wales)
Video 5 – Tax efficiency in retirement (Hybrid members)
(Active Hybrid & Deferred Hybrid member England, Wales & Scotland)
Your HSBC Scheme explained and what is your HSBC DC pension pot
(Active DC & Deferred DC member Scotland)
Video 6 – Next steps (Hybrid members)
(Active Hybrid & Deferred Hybrid member England, Wales & Scotland)
What is Salary Sacrifice?
(Active DC & Deferred DC member England, Wales)
Scheme DC investment options
(Active DC & Deferred DC member England, Wales & Scotland)
How do you maximise your tax allowances? PT1
(Active DC & Deferred DC member England, Wales & Scotland)
How do you maximise your tax allowances? PT2
(Active DC & Deferred DC member England, Wales & Scotland)
How to access your retirement savings?
(Active DC & Deferred DC member England, Wales & Scotland)
How to take an income in retirement - annuties?
(Active DC & Deferred DC member England, Wales & Scotland)
How to take a cash lump sum in retirement?
(Active DC & Deferred DC member England, Wales)
How to take a cash lump sum in retirement?
(Active DC & Deferred DC member Scotland)
How to access your pension flexibly in retirement - income drawdown?
(Active DC & Deferred DC member England, Wales & Scotland)
When can you afford to retire?
(Active DC & Deferred DC member England, Wales & Scotland)
How to access your HSBC DC pension pot
(Active DC & Deferred DC member England, Wales, Scotland)
How to take your pension in a tax efficient way?
(Active DC & Deferred DC member England, Wales)
How to take your pension in a tax efficient way?
(Active DC & Deferred DC member Scotland)
How do you protect your retirement savings from inflation?
(Active DC & Deferred DC member England, Wales, Scotland)
What is your pre retirement checklist?
(Active DC & Deferred DC member England, Wales & Scotland)
Summary and next steps
(Active DC & Deferred DC member England, Wales & Scotland)
Video 1 - Pension Scheme Introduction
(Active DC member Guernsey)
Video 2 – Introduction to Pensions
(Active DC member Guernsey)
Video - 3 HSBC pensions explained and how your DC pension pot can grow
(Active DC member Guernsey)
Video 4 – Generating a retirement income
(Active DC member Guernsey)
Video 5 – Next steps
(Active DC member Guernsey)
Video 1 - Pension Scheme Introduction
(Active DC member Isle Of Man)
Video 2 – Introduction to Pensions
(Active DC member Isle Of Man)
Video 3 - HSBC pensions explained and how your DC pension pot can grow
(Active DC member Isle Of Man)
Video 4 – Generating a retirement income
(Active DC member Isle Of Man)
Video 5 – Next steps
(Active DC member Isle Of Man)
Video 1 - Pension Scheme Introduction
(Active DC member Jersey)
Video 2 – Introduction to Pensions
(Active DC member Jersey)
Video 3 - HSBC pensions explained and how your DC pension pot can grow
(Active DC member Jersey)
Video 4 – Generating a retirement income
(Active DC member Jersey)
Video 5 – Next steps
(Active DC member Jersey)