The HSBC Bank (UK) Pension Scheme ("the Scheme")

Make your pension work for you

You are a deferred DB member because you are a former employee who started before 1 July 1996 and left (or opted out) before 1 July 2015.

DC Fund factsheet

The latest quarterly DC Fund factsheets and the latest monthly flash report are now available in the Information Centre.

More things to consider

Review your AVCs 

Make sure your Target Retirement Age (TRA) for your AVCs is aligned with your retirement plans

Set your TRA for your AVCs 

Alter your planned age of retirement as circumstances change


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Your retirement savings during the current investment market uncertainties 

Over the last few days and weeks there has been some global investment market uncertainty and we understand that some members may be concerned about the impact on their pension savings.

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Actuarial Valuation as at 31 December 2022 

The Trustee is pleased to announce that the formal Actuarial Valuation of the Scheme as at 31 December 2022 has been completed and signed by the Trustee and the Bank.

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Changes to the Lifetime Allowance from 06 April 2024 

From 06 April 2024 there will be some changes to the lifetime allowance.

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More about the Scheme

Keep track of your pension

Your DB benefits show you how much you’ll get when you reach Normal Retirement Age. You can view them in MSS. If you're on the HSBC network you can click here and you won't need your username and password.

Are your contact details up to date?

It’s important to keep your contact details current. Visit Member Self Service (MSS) to do this. If you're on the HSBC network you can click here and you won't need your username and password.