The Trustee has been listening to you, our members, and recognises that there is a need to provide support in helping you plan for your retirement.

The Trustee has been listening to you, our members, and recognises that there is a need to assist and provide support in helping you plan for your retirement.

Our aim is to help you better understand your options for taking your DC pension pot and provide you with support for the decisions that you’ll need to make.

The Trustee engaged WEALTH at work  at work, a leading provider of workplace financial education, to provide a guidance support service to our active DC members ,aged 50 and over, who are resident in England, Scotland or Wales. A pilot of this service was run in the first three months of 2019 and members closest to their target retirement age were invited to attend a seminar. The feedback by those that attended was very positive and as such the Trustee has decided to continue the service on an on-going basis.

Do look out for your email invitation around the middle of July.

We are also working on a series of webcasts for our members who cannot attend a seminar. These will be available on futurefocus from early 2020.

If you have any queries please contact the Pension Scheme Executive by email .